Milk Thistle - Rhi Boyle

1st April 2021

In 2019 my horse, Stripe, unfortunately contracted grass sickness but luckily, we caught it early enough and it was a chronic case which carries a small window for successful treatment. My vet advised me to put Stripe onto milk thistle straight away to help support his liver, which was now releasing toxins due to the bacteria that causes the disease. I immediately bought a small tub of Dodson and Horrell's milk thistle and I truly believe that this herb significantly improved my horses' chances of survival. Amazingly Stripe fully recovered from the grass sickness and is now back in full work! I still feed him milk thistle to continue to support his liver, in case there is any lasting trauma from the disease. I now buy Dodson and Horrell's 305-day supply and cannot recommend it enough; for value for money and for how successful the supplements results are!

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